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madeeasy 1:28 Thu Mar 24
Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
I have had it for a while and have had tablets.

Anyway last week someone suggested drinking apple cider vinegar.

2 teaspoons in a mug of hot water each morning. Sorted me right out within a week.

Just thought I would pass it on for those others that suffer, as there seem to be quite a few.

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sand iron 10:36 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Iv suffered with this for over 12 years now, a combination of years of bad diet, stress & a bit of hard living thrown in saw to my troubles. Those three combined can make for bad gastric troubles.

Mine got so bad last year that I actually chucked acid reflux up over the floor, I then decided to have the camera down me. I was diagnosed with a hiatus hernia & a germ in the stomach for which I was on strong tablets for over a week. Iv been on lansoprazol since & they do help but they don't eradicate it totally.

Diet is the most important thing for it & obviously regular exercise will help. The specialist I saw said try & lose a bit of weight & that will help, (saucy bastard I only weigh 12-6lb)

For those that really are struggling getting there diet right Their's a really good reflux diet cookbook called 'Dropping Acid' written by Jamie Koufman, M.D & Jordan Stern, M.D with chef Marc Bauer. Jamie Koufman is supposedly the pre-eminent reflux physician in the world, so it's well worth buying.

For those of you that suffer with it & haven't been to the doctors yet, don't neglect it, it really is a serious illness & can potentially lead to more serious conditions, cancer being one of em!

mike hunt 9:00 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
pepsin? the hcl i have is with pepsin

defjam 8:42 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
mike hunt 6:28 - Ah! I hadn't read any of the earlier posts.
Wicked so it works for you as well, good stuff.
It seems counter productive adding acid but it does work.
I also add Enzymes to break down the food.

Scraper 3:28 - Ha! I've assumed a lot of things in my life, some work some don't.
I just think trying to keep it as natural as possible is what's helped me.
Good quality food, nothing processed.

mike hunt 6:28 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
defjam, thats what i was saying, it worked for me as well

Scraper 3:28 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux

pH is measured for 24h, but there are other tests too.

Point is, you are *assuming* you have low acid production, and add more. Not sure if that's wise. Still, I experiment a lot myself - so am kind of advising myself too :)

Mr Logic 3:05 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
ps that's not, GET IT CHECKED OUT!!!, as in a its really bad, only sometimes I think people don't go to the doctors, and if they did they might be able to alleviate/remedy the problem

Mr Logic 3:01 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Might be a Hiatus hernia. Turns out that's what I've got and very common apparently. Symptoms are just are you describe. GET IT CHECKED OUT!!!!

Bazooka Joe 1:55 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Its all about the proton pump.

Ayris 1:35 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
This works, squeeze the juice of one lemon into a glass, add half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda (baking powder) it will then bubble up, then add half a glass of min water and sup it down.
Allegedly makes the old stomach more alkaline therefore reducing acid reflux etc….I tried it a few times before going to bed after a particular session or ruby when you know you gonna have reflux and it helped.

defjam 1:27 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Scraper 12:49 - Thanks for the advice yo.

I always take information on then do my own research, theres pros and cons for everything, especially conventional medicine which is probably why my stomachs fucked, having to take pain killers every day.

The stomach PH changes if foods present so a test isn't going to prove a lot.

I'm not talking about a gym 'Exercise' bloke he deals with people with chronic pain and yes it is a holistic process that involve specialist exercise and diet but it changed my life so I'd say it worked for me.

ted fenton 12:57 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Northern Sold 12:10 Fri Mar 25

Blimey !

Makes you wonder doesn't it as I suffered as a kid but as severe as you.

Scraper 12:49 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux

Medical advice from your "exercise bloke" doesn't sound wise

There are proper tests for measuring stomach pH etc
The 'meant to burp' doesn't qualify

Betaine HCl is a typical "alt medicine" drug
It may cause damage in the long run

Just sayin

defjam 12:14 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
ACV is good stuff especially if it's got the 'Mother' in it.
When i was seeing my lifestyle/diet/exercise bloke he suggested that acid reflux can happen because you have not enough acid in the stomach as well so we did a bicarb test and you're meant to burp within a few minutes if you have excess acid, well i didn't burp at all so we deduced there was a lack of acid.

Anyway i started taking Betaine HCL tablets with meals and it sorted me right out, different strokes for different folks though.

Northern Sold 12:10 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
ted fenton 6:22 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
I have suffered for years and back in the day I would try to sleep sitting up then I saw a science programme about a discovered bug that lives in the gut ( Helicobacter pylori ) it's a right little shit !

Ted.... the HB bacteria is what caused my Duodenal ulcer (started suffering when I was about 7... usual visits to quacks saying it was growing pains etc... only discovered it was a ulcer when it ruptured when I was 17 and it nearly killed me)... I was used as a Guinea pig about 25 years ago on the HB bacteria treatment that cured that type ulcer problems... one of my claims to fame !

Northern Sold 12:05 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux

Reply Private Dancer 3:09 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Those saying that they take Lansoprazole daily, what forever?

I've taken 30mg daily for the last three years.... as far as I know I'll be on it for life... thought to begin with it was a hiatus hernia as at times it felt like a cardiac.... decided as I had previous probs (burst duodenal ulcer) that they would have a look with the old camera down the throat and decided it was just massive acid overload... I went from being in chronic doubled up pain for 2 /3 months to being pain free after one tablet... like I said an absolute life changer from me.... if things are that bad insist on them having a look in your gut (via camera) and get diagnosed properly

Private Dancer 9:41 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux

Private Dancer 9:41 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Cough - The other one is Lansoprazole (prevacid) Sold0 said it changed his life. I think that is a course of 8 weeks (15/10mg 1 a day) But more expensive.

Private Dancer 9:36 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux

Far Cough 9:30 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
PD, Prilosec, right?

Private Dancer 9:28 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
P - Ok, son. Omeprazole is supposed to be taken for 14 days (1 pill a day 40mg) if not cured after that you're not suppose to take anymore for 4 months. Think I will give it a go.

joe royal 9:26 Fri Mar 25
Re: Anyone suffer from Indigestion/Acid reflux
Steve P = Mr Creosote.

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